The airless paint sprayers are mostly purchased by professionals and contractors for heavy duty applications. These sprayers can be gas powered or electric. As the guns are used for professional use and not cheap, hasty decisions are not encouraged. Careful examination of the specifications, features and comparative price is very important. Internet is the best starting point when searching for a new spray gun. You should read the reviews from reputable online review sites, such as Landroverbar, which will show you the comparisons of all the spray guns.
Gallons per Minute (GPM): The higher the GPM of a machine the faster it sprays machine. Although getting a spray gun with high GPM may seem attractive, you should keep in mind that the price rises with the GPM number. For normal production purpose a sprayer with 0.5 GPM is more than enough.
Maximum Tip Size: The maximum tip size is important because it limits the type of materials you can spray with the gun. So check the specs carefully before purchasing the gun. You must buy a gun that has a tip size compatible with the materials you are going to spray with it.
Frequency of use: You should always buy a sprayer that can be used for the time you want it to function. Actually, you should buy a sprayer with more capacity if you can afford it-just for protective purpose. That way you will be less anxious about crossing the using limit.
Price vs. Quality: The most popular companies producing paint sprayers are Graco, Wagner and Titan. Wagner produces professional equipment mainly for homeowners. On the other hand Graco and Titan have commercial and industrial customers. If you can afford it, buy one from Graco because those are the best sprayers available in the market. Buying cheap spray guns will be a great mistake. If you can’t afford Graco, buy a good Wagner sprayer. Don’t buy a low quality airless paint sprayer for high cost of quality products.