Before actually using or even buying retinol cream, it is important to know more about it, to know how it works and how it should be applied, instead of just relying on the directions printed on the product’s packaging.
For starters, retinol cream is indeed used as a skin care product and is in the form of a topical cream, meaning, it has to be applied directly to the skin, rather than ingesting or subcutaneously applying it. One of the main contents of this skin care product is Vitamin A, which is great for treating skin ailments such as pimples and acne. With such effect, it is perceived to counteract or reduce aging effects, which is why it is being sought by many people nowadays.
However, you should know that retinol cream is a strong medication so you just can’t go around looking for one. It is usually prescribed by your dermatologist, since they’re knowledgeable enough to know if you can use the product. The good thing about a prescribed skin care product is that it’s highly likely to give you the desired effect, which is youthful skin.
So how does retinol cream work?
Retinol cream works by increasing the production of cells in the top most layer of the skin, thus giving you young, rejuvenated skin. Your skin looks younger and softer, so people won’t know your real age just by looking at you. It can also reduce the pigmentation of your skin that is caused by sun damage, so you’ll also achieve a lighter, more radiant skin.
However, you should know that any medicine, retinol cream included, may have adverse effects in some people. They may be allergic to this product or their body doesn’t respond well to it, so instead of achieving the skin they wanted, the results may be different. Some users may experience having flaky or red skin, while some won’t see any changes in their skin’s appearance. This is why its important to have prescription before buying a retinol cream, so you’d know if this product suits you perfectly.