Relationships and marriage are not always easy, that is why so many of them end in divorce. Things in our lives need regular maintenance, like our cars and our bodies. Relationships often need maintenance, too. To keep your relationship healthy and functional, couples counselling may be a time well spent.
Bumps in the Road
Sometimes couples have bumps in their road and too often couples give up on each other and go their separate ways. Couples therapy NYC is real therapy, led by licensed and well-trained therapist who know how to help couples communicate and get through those bumpy times. Some couples may need a few therapy sessions, just like people need physicals. Other couples may require a lengthier time period to work through difficult issues. If therapy is necessary, there should not be any shame in knowing that you need to get help to solve an issue. Sometimes, couples need a fresh outlook on their problems to help them work through them.
Common Symptoms
Couples therapy is needed when couples can no longer effectively communicate. There are many symptoms that can be identified as needs for counselling. Please refer to your right (sidebar) for reference.
If any of those problems affect the status of your relationship, then it will be helpful and healthy to seek out help. Those in abusive relationship can also use couples counselling. However, if the abuse is physical, emergency help may be needed. Counselors and therapists can suggest the appropriate avenue for those who are beaten and abused.
Couples therapy can involve many things. Couples may have talking therapy with a psychologist or trained therapist. Some couples may be more comfortable speaking to their pastor or religious leader. They may be given “homework” to keep the therapy discussion going at home. The therapist may assign a book for the couple to read and discuss. Therapists will give couples the tools that they need to communicate effectively and to properly support each other.
Things to Consider
Couples Counselling NY can be expensive. Your health insurance may cover your sessions, but if it doesn’t it might be helpful to seek out an affordable solution. If a couple needs to work out their differences with a neutral party, it is too important to worry about financial matters. This might be when a pastor is the most helpful. You should find out what your therapist charges for missed appointments and if the therapist has and emergency line.
It is also important to know your therapist’s education and experience in working with couples. Your pastor or primary doctor may be able to suggest a good therapist to meet your needs. You should check what hours your therapist works, if you can only make it to sessions in the late afternoon and your therapist only works until noon, then that relationship will not work. You should also ask your therapist what his or her beliefs are about marriage and commitment, to see if they fit with your and your partner’s goals for the therapy.
Pharmacological Treatment
Some new therapies for couples include the use of pharmacological medications. If your therapist thinks that one or both of you could benefit from a particular medication, it is appropriate to ask about the medication. Many one of you is depressed or anxious and could use some chemical help. If you or your partner needs to take a pharmacological medication, it is important for the partner to be supportive.
Couples Counselling NY can help keep marriages together by helping couples learn to better communicate and work through their problems.